Johnson Controls Hitachi Air Conditioning India Limited 03AABCA2392K1ZV Punjab
GST number of Johnson Controls Hitachi Air Conditioning India Limited is 03AABCA2392K1ZV. Johnson Controls Hitachi Air Conditioning India Limited is registered as a . This business was registered under GST on . This is GST number of Punjab state.
Particulars | Details |
GST Number(GSTIN) | 03AABCA2392K1ZV |
Business Name | Johnson Controls Hitachi Air Conditioning India Limited |
Address | |
Pan Number | |
Entity Type | |
Registration Type | |
Department Code & Type | |
Nature of Business | |
Registration Date |
GSTR3B | |||
F Year | Period | Date of Filing | Status |
No record found. |
GSTR1/IFF | |||
F Year | Period | Date of Filing | Status |
No record found. |
Legal name is and the Trade Name is
GSTIN status is and registration type is .
legal entity type is .
The Principal place of business is ,