Reliance Corporate It Park Ltd. 03AABCD7169H2ZP Punjab
GST number of Reliance Corporate It Park Ltd. is 03AABCD7169H2ZP. Reliance Corporate It Park Ltd. is registered as a . This business was registered under GST on . This is GST number of Punjab state.
Particulars | Details |
GST Number(GSTIN) | 03AABCD7169H2ZP |
Business Name | Reliance Corporate It Park Ltd. |
Address | |
Pan Number | |
Entity Type | |
Registration Type | |
Department Code & Type | |
Nature of Business | |
Registration Date |
GSTR3B | |||
F Year | Period | Date of Filing | Status |
No record found. |
GSTR1/IFF | |||
F Year | Period | Date of Filing | Status |
No record found. |
Legal name is and the Trade Name is
GSTIN status is and registration type is .
legal entity type is .
The Principal place of business is ,